Friday, June 26, 2009


時光飛逝... 轉眼間,來到美國已經四個星期,上課也上了四個星期了,而下星期就是我的期中測驗了。每個人的一天都只有24小時,但是不知道為啥在這邊的時間過得就是特別快,壓力當然也不少於工作時所擁有的壓力。在這邊不太能夠有適合我舒壓的管道,唯一能做的不是大哭一場就是走到陽台去吹吹風。我想,再經過一些時間之後,對於很多的人、事、物我就能夠更加適應了。

等到學期結束之後,我將會經歷甚麼樣的生活呢? 其實到現在我也還沒有很明確的把握,唯一能做的就是更加努力的念書了。加油吧~

Thanks God.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

USA Wedding Party


我和室友抵達的時候,婚禮正好開始。伴郎伴娘陸續上台,最後就是由新娘的爸爸證婚,因為新娘的爸爸是該教會的牧師。婚禮的過程當中,有一些挺感人的橋段,例如:全家人一起唱歌為新人祈禱,這個地方讓很多人流淚。另外就是交換戒指的時候,牧師講的就是我們在電視劇裡面常看到的,你願不願在你的另一半無論生老病死窮富都願意守候著她/他之類的...聽到這裡,我的眼淚也是偷偷的掉下來,但是不敢狂流到是真的,哈哈... 因為,我也深深的期待未來的某一天有人願意為我許下這個承諾。



Monday, June 08, 2009

Am I Qualified?

Times went very fast, a week went by. It means I complete one week of my language, there are only 9 weeks remain. I'm not sure that I can pass the final exam after ten weeks of training, but the only words that I can say is "I will do my best".

I definitely have some problems with my learning so far, that's why I ask myself "Am I qualified?" The teaching style here is totally different than Australia. The English I learned in Australia is General English, the skills can be used in our general life easily and I think it is more useful for our life, but what I am going to do in USA is to go to graduate school, therefore the general English skills might not enough for my purpose, that's why the language school here provide the preparation course for university. It's really harder than general English, the learning here point out my weakness as I have known already, that's why I feel so scared now. I know I have to calm down then focus on my learning instead of worrying about the things that still not happen so far. Should I call help? Who can help me? I think I have had enough experiences to handle the nervous situation, right? Anyway, try hard. Don't bring to much bad thinking to current life, just proceed the learning with school's schedule, I know everything will become better than beginning.

I know I can do it, I am the best. Go~

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Level III - A Nice Beginning

In order to have topics about using English for today's homework so I write down to write a post today. As for the topic of today's post, I think I also have to record it because it is a good result and beginning to my studying life in Texas.

As I mentioned on yesterday's post, I was impacted by some reasons so I thought I might not perform well on yesterday's replacement test. In this morning, I would know what Level I would attend. Finally, I was in Level III. It's really a good news to me that I can start in Level III as I expect. I know I still have to try hard then pass all exams and get high scores in order to go to master program on fall.

There's nothing about my class need to be recorded because it just the beginning of summer term. But we still had another test in this afternoon, teacher said the test was to check our level is suitable for us or not, but I didn't think there is a good way to check our level. I probably know how to use some grammars but I don't know real name about the grammar, how could I write down the correct answer for the test, right? But I don't wanna show my feeling to teacher because this is the traditional action in this language school. Anyway, I have no choice, I only can follow the instruction and request from school's teacher.

Time is a little bit late in Texas now, I have to leave then write my today's homework, it's very important for me to get the points. I think the more points I can get is better for my learning. OK, see you. I hope my tomorrow's course will get better and better.

Monday, June 01, 2009

The warm friendship after raining day

Today is school opens, I should be there on time but I didn't due to the wrong information, everything should be done well due to the wrong information caused the bad mood, so I didn't perform well in my placement test. I felt I lose my confidence of my English ability while I took the test. I think I still have to learn how to handle my mood even though I was impacted by some bad things. Anyway, all the things were happened, it's impossible for people to change the things that has happened already, right?

Even though this was not a good beginning of my language school, but there are still lots of good things happened so far. After I completed all the things that I have to do for language school today, one couple took me to the bank to open a bank account, some students took me to the Buffalo Gold Card, the two important things were completed within today, it was a good news to me.

After completed the above of things, I went to the supermarket alone to do the grocery shopping, after I finished my shopping, I met a Thailand girl who is named Nicki and also a new student in language school. I bought lots of things today, but it was OK for me to take all the thing to home by myself, because it just takes 20 minutes from my house to supermarket by walk. The original plan was to go home and carry the things by myself, but the weather became bad and there was a big rain outside, so it was impossible for me to carry all the thing to home by walk. The girl Nicki saw me and came to send the greetings to me, when she found that I bought lots of things, she said let me take you home because she had a car. In the beginning, I was thinking should I take her car to home, so I said to her " I afraid that I would make trouble to you", but she said "it's OK". So I went home by her car, even though we got lost for few minutes, but the girl still had patient on me. Finally, we got the correct way to my house. I was happy and she was also happy. What a kind person she are, she is so friendly, I felt very warm at the moment, because she helped me a lot and didn't complain about anything I made. Thanks god to bring me a wonderful friend to my life. If I were the girl Nicki, will I still have patient when I meet a girl like me? I have no ideas while the things was happened on me today, but I think I will help the girl who has the similar situation like me if I have ability to help the girl. Because Nicki said, when she arrived Texas, she also met some problems and needed some one's help at the moment, and she was also lucky because somebody helped her to solve the problems at the moment, that's why she decided to help me today, even though I made some troubles.

I knew I was lucky because my day ended with a warm friendship. A good thing must come after a bad thing, but a bad thing might not come after a good thing, I think God is very kind to me. Thanks God. I also appreciated the help from Nicki. God bless her and us.