Sunday, May 31, 2009

Everything is strange but fresh.

I have been here for 2 days and have met some Taiwan people here. Every people is kind to me. Yesterday, there was a Taiwan girl named Emily who prepared dinner and a bottle of milk tea to me. Sounds very nice, right? I think so,too. I feel warm at the moment.

Have you ever decided to go to another country by yourself? Did you feel nervous before you go? Actually, I got lots of pressure before I went to Texas It was a whole new place for me and I also didn't initially have any friends here. Everything is strange. After I met some Taiwan people, I felt my pressure disappeare. When I arrived Texas, I also met other new Taiwanese people, they were all kind to me. What a lucky girl I am, right?

After I have been here 2 days, I don't feel as nervous as before. I am still not sure that I will love it here, even though there are some people that say it is a good place to live and study. Anyway, I have to persuade myself to like here as soon as possible, because I have to live here around for at least 1.5 years. Actually, there are lots of fresh things for me to explore, therefore I think my life here will gradually become better.

Well, tomorrow is my first day at school, I hope there will be lots of good things for me. God bless you and me.

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