Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Still have no idea

In these days, I discussed with many friends about my new plan. My new plan is to go to USA to study MBA. Actually, my original plan is to study Japanese in Japan, I think Japanese might be helpful for my further job, because I found some of job required Japanese. But, after I discussed with my previous VP, he recommended me to study MBA. In the beginning, I feel very confused about his recommendation, because there are lots of people with MBA in my country, and many of their MBA degrees are from USA. If I also have a MBA as them, is it really helpful for my new job? VP said " Lots of people have MBA but you don't have, your competitiveness might less than others." He also suggested me to go to USA to study MBA. As I know, if I want to study master in my country, it takes more than two or there years; if I study in USA, it only takes 1-1.5 years, my English ability will also be improved. But the cost is also an important point for me, it might costs more than USD 30,000, it really costs a lot, right?
After I discussed with my friends about my thinking and plan, most of them agree my thinking and encourage me to study. But I still have no idea how to persuade my father so far. It is a big challenge for me to persuade my father. Anyway, I still have to try no matter the result is good or not. I will pray for it, I also hope God can give me courage. Thanks God. Amen.

ps. This is my first time posting in English, I know there are lots of mistakes here. If you can help me to correct it, please teach me, thanks a lot.

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